On Packing Light

Unpacking an impulse purchase with @notyrboyfriend

This episode of On Packing Light aired on Worm Radio on 25 March 2021.

In this episode, I talk through an impulse purchase with Mariana Aboim, Ghislain Amar, Sophie Bates, Larisa David, Clementine Edwards, and Parker Kay, and Niloufar Nematollahi before speaking to Odie, the person behind the Instagram account @not.ur.boyfriend who made the shirt in collaboration with @renaissance__man.

Notyrboyfriend reluctantly calls themself an artist and lives in Minneapolis, MN. Their work is rooted in their personal growth through poverty, familial trauma/loss, relationships, and addiction/sobriety, and is framed by their focus on collective liberation.

During our conversation, Odie and I speak about both their own origin story as a meme account maker and the origin story of the t-shirt I bought from their account in early 2019. The conversation evolves quickly from the t-shirt. We talk about the intersections of self-care and self-defense, in their respective mental health community care practice, and community defence through firearms education. Dive in!